Sensorium, was the resulting body of work produced as a result of my Masters degree in 2015. Through this work I investigate and reconsider the relationship between digital technology and the aesthetic of the hand created mark.
Intact lowland raised bogs are one of the rarest and most threatened habitats. North West England had the largest proportion of this habitat, although the total area has fallen by 94% since the beginning of the C19th. This area of mossland was throughout historic times one of the most remote and frightening areas of the Britain, a wilderness, or as Daniel Defoe called it “ a waste”.
Shaped and defined by its people these mossland sites are inextricably linked with their communities and the rivers, which run through them. These liminal spaces sit on the edge linking and connecting villages, they mark borders and define modern transport links. Most importantly intact mossland provide a geological and archaelological heritage dating back 10,000 years.
Utilising commercial modern mapping and measuring technology I seek to change our percepions and challenge our understanding of these spaces. Data collected from laser scanners create large complex images, the information is multi layered, like the land it represents and can only be understood by the viewer considering sections from different viewpoints. By manipulating the technology and reinterpreting the data I created a series of art works which show the transitory properties of these landscapes. Quiet beautiful spaces with a sense of unease, unstable and precarious but now increasingly reclaimed and protected.
Lacuna, University of Central Lancashire – 2015
RBSA Print Prize Exhibition – RBSA Birmingham 2016
Guanlan International Print Biennial Shenzhen China 2015