Better Bite
30 Nov 2006
This was a collaborative investigation into Acrylic based equating products by Tracy Hill and Emma Gregory who met at Wrexham Regional Print Centre in 2006.
Initially driven by changes in Health and Safety in university print workshops Tracy had already revised print practices at UCLAN to make for a safer working environment and minimise the use of toxic materials. At this time a great deal had been published about the harm attached to using traditional etching materials and potential health implications for artists working with traditional etching processes.
Meanwhile Emma was teaching traditional etching classes at Liverpool John Moores University, on behalf of the Bluecoat arts centre. The University had stepped in to accommodate the arts centre’s classes whilst it closed for redevelopment and refurbishment.
The etching studio at the Bluecoat had not been much altered since opening to the public in the mid 1960’s. Emma saw this was a strategic moment for change. In 2008 the Bluecoat’s doors reopened. Appointed Print Studio Manager, Emma rebuilt the workshop to house ‘safer’ etching practice.
Now they had a lot more in common: the Bluecoat and UClan print studios were supporting significant numbers of artists who had never etched or done any printmaking before alongside a few experienced etchers reluctant to abandon what they knew would work for something largely untried and tested. They met often to discuss the problems we encountered and find solutions together. This partnership led to the research investigation ‘Better Bite’.