Measuring States : Porosity
11 Oct 2021
Porosity φ by Tracy Hill. AirSpace Gallery 11th August - 11th September 2021
This is the first exhibition of new works as part of the Porosity project and it explores how traditional fine art practice and digital immersive technologies combine to expand how the walking body maps visual and sonic traces enabling the senses to reveal unseen subterranean landscapes.
I began this enquiry as a proposition to reveal the post-industrial salt landscape of the North West of England. Specifically the voids created from a legacy of commercial brine extraction and mining subsidence.
Questions emerged about my sense of Place within the landscapes I walked, considering my walking body as a receiver and how my practice decodes the multi-sensory signals experienced when walking.
Measuring States I # II are two hand-cut paper panels. Drawings created through absence they are intended as the beginning of a conversation to invite considerations about how we imagine unseen landscapes and read invisible traces.
You can read more about the project at https://porosity.co.uk/